We Invite You to Partner With Us!


“And MY God WILL supply ALL your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

-Philippians 4:19


Many people quote Philippians 4:19 quite often but don’t fully know the context of it. The apostle Paul wrote this to the Philippian church BECAUSE they had PARTNERED with him & his ministry. You can see the context summed up in Chapter 1:3-11 & Chapter 4:10-20. Paul writes: that because of your sharing & “giving”, “your participation [partnership] in the gospel…”, now “…you all are partakers [partners] of grace with me.” (Philippians 4:14-15, 1:5-7) In other words, when through fellowship, they took on the responsibility of sharing the burden of ministry, THEY ALSO SHARED IN THE REWARDS & GRACE God had allotted to that ministry & minister of God!

Today, God has given Boomerang International the vision, mandate AND GRACE to minister the gospel all over the world! He also JUST released us to officially open up partnership to those who want to join with our ministry family!

Through Boomerang Churches & WhatsWright we are winning thousands of souls each year, making disciples, strengthening & encouraging the body, planting & overseeing churches, training & growing leaders both in the church & in business to have abundance for every good work. We have a daily broadcast that brings a fresh daily Word from the Lord that is also edited for our new TV & radio broadcast. In addition to this, we travel the world building up the body of Christ, we serve ministers as a covering in licensing & ordination, have Boomerang University & a Kingdom Business Fellowship to raise up wealth in individuals for kingdom advancement. 

This year we are also establishing a discipleship Bible academy, free to anyone, a ministerial video training series & we plan to start publishing books for our ministers & others!

This is obviously NOT a SMALL vision or mandate! It takes A LOT of grace to bring to pass.

We are excited to watch our new partners walk in this grace & move towards more abundance for every good work!

This is why TODAY we invite you to participate with us in the gospel & SHARE in the responsibility & the rewards of ministry!


Key Ingredients to Partnership

  1. Covenant fellowship around a Godly vision & mission
  2. Sharing responsibilities, blessings & rewards
  3. Exchanging of love, giftings & grace between partners



Share in the responsibility of faith to take possession of faith projects, words & vision the Lord has given us

Receive manifestations of faith through the partnership fellowship


Sow Faith Into You & God’s Plan For You

To agree with our partners in faith filled prayers & actions, as led by the Lord, to see every faith project, vision, word or promise of God come to pass in their life


Review Our Current Faith Projects & Sow Your Faith

To regularly review our current faith projects & release your faith & agree with us to take possession of every word, promise, vision or mission from the Lord


Share in the responsibility to encourage one another & to uphold & apply biblical hope to the words & promises God has given us

Receive encouragement, joy, confidence & expectation (biblical hope) through the partnership fellowship


Sow Hope Into Your Godly Destiny

To give & share hope with our partners so they may fulfill their God-given destiny


Sow & Uphold Hope & Encouragement Into The Ministry

To constantly be an encouragement to the ministry, leaders & partners to accomplish their vision & to uphold joy, confidence & expectation in yourself & others


Share in the responsibility to choose & commit to take actions of love & give unconditionally to each other, at the leading of God

Receive love & resources, both physically & spiritually through the partnership fellowship


Receive From God & Sow Grace Into You

To constantly sow & receive a flow of an abundant supply of heavenly resources (including: vision, grace, words from the Lord, the glory & the anointing, etc) to release into the lives of our partners to bring about manifestation of God’s goodness into their lives.

We will do this by:

  • Abiding (to fellowship, study, worship, pray, etc)
  • Listening (to discern, humble, hunger, mingle faith, yield, etc)
  • Obeying (giving, holiness, fruit of the Spirit, preach, lead, grow, sow, etc)


Sow Into the Vision & Increase

To regularly apply action into your part of the partnership responsibility by sharing from your resources (yourself, time, skills, energy, money, faith, etc).

To consistently believe & take action to increase your ability to sow into the Kingdom by receiving & walking in grace that moves towards larger manifestation

How Does Partnership Work?

  1. God finds a person whose heart is pure towards Him
  2. God gives the person gifts & a calling to lead in ministry
  3. God gives the leader a vision with the provision & grace to accomplish it
  4. God draws covenant people to partner with the vision & partake or share in the responsibilities of the vision
  5. God pours out grace on the covenant partners according to the magnitude of the vision & the grace given to the leader
  6. The vision is accomplished through the power of God in the partnership
  7. God rewards those who were good stewards of the vision & partnership

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